The Excitement Is Building!!!
There is Still Time to Enter!!!
This newsletter is going out to all individuals entered in this year and participated in previous years’ ARCHway-Chapel Hill/Carrboro Sunrise Rotary Club Helicopter Drop. With your support, this year will be the biggest Helicopter Drop in both participation and dollars raised. We cannot thank you enough for your support.
There is still time to purchase golf balls or become a sponsor of the event. Just go to https://thearchwayinstitute.org/helicopter-golf-ball-drop/ to enter. We will take our last entry at midnight on December 6th.
Below are three things you might want to know and remember you do not need to be present to win.
1. This year we allowed individuals to identify where they would like ARCHway to use the funds raised. You could choose between the funds being added to an ARCHway HOPE Fund Sponsorship or to be given out as a Grant to a local Treatment Center, Sober Living Facility or Prevention Program. Listed below is where we currently stand. Funds will be distributed after December 7th.
2. Attached below is also the Prize List so you can start thinking about the prizes you will have a chance to select from if you are one of the lucky winners.